Got To Get Yourself These Things

A while back there was a kickstarted type campaign for these fitness gadgets. I watched the video, read some early reviews about them, and jumped on the chance to own them. I was able to get 2 for what the price of 1 is eventually going to be. Of course I had to wait several months for them to come as they were being refined, fine tuned, and built. Let me tell you it was completely worth the wait.
These little devices aren’t worn all day like a Fitbit or jawbone up, or any other fitness tracker. These devices are worn while working out for a specific thing. It’s linked to your phone via an app. Right now the apps, more on the plural of app in a bit, are only available on the iPhone but by December they are supposed to be available on Android.

This is what the device looks like. It’s called Moov. I choose to get one in each color when I ordered.
The way they work is you wear them on your wrist, ankle, and with later apps they may be used elsewhere.
When my Moovs arrived the only available app was for running. Great, the Moov tracks your movement and gives you realtime feedback about your form as well as keeping you on pace. I really haven’t used the run app much lately as my Moovs arrived right before moving and now that I am here I’ve been attending a lot of fitness classes and not really doing a lot of run training. Which, I need to get back into. Anyway, I tried it out and liked the feedback I was given and the overall user friendly nature of the app. I found wearing the Moov around my ankle, which is where you wear it for running was comfortable, which at first I wasn’t so sure of.
The Moov comes with both a ankle bracelet and a wrist bracelet. Along with this you get a charging cable and the little dock thing to charge the device on. Really simple to use and set up, when first starting the app it walks you through the setup which I think it took me all of 10 seconds to setup.
Just a few days ago The people at Moov released their newest app. The boxing app. They recommend using 2 Moovs for this exercise so that they can get a better idea of both arms working. I tried it out today, and ended up doing 10 rounds on the light level. As in, I’m not a boxer and let me get used to this. Let me tell you Holy Moly I was sweating up a storm by the time I was done. Also, let me tell you I had a ton of fun doing it. I wasn’t even aware of the fact that I just boxed for 20 minutes. After completing your workout they give you a whole breakdown of your results.



These are my results from today’s boxing adventure. As I do the workout more and more the hope is to see improvement. Let’s just say today I was breaking a serious sweat and doing some huffing and puffing. So, I’m excited to try it again and see how long it takes me to improve.
Sometime this month the people at Moov will be releasing their third app which is the swimming app. I probably won’t use that one as I don’t swim in a pool very often, and I’m not sure how it works being that you won’t have your phone in the water with you. So, in not sure how the feedback portion would work, you’d have to get it after your workout instead of while doing it as is the case with the other apps. November is the release of cycling, which again is probably not one I’ll use. And, December will bring Body Weight, which I’m excited about. I’ll definitely be using that one.
I can’t wait to see what else is going to come. During their first preorder push they were also showing things with golf and yoga. Well, all I can say is I hope that the yoga one really does happen, being that I’m becoming a true lover of yoga.
So, seriously check these guys out they are amazing and I love them. I like to get to see what I’m doing and the feedback is great. With each round of the boxing I did I was definitely listening to and making adjustments from the feedback given.
If you want to learn more about Moov check them out here
Thanks Moov, I think I’ll be adding boxing to my workout regimen.

2 responses

    • It works for swimming they have an app for that. I haven’t tried the swimming one yet. And, I actually just upgraded to the Moov Now which is their newest device. I haven’t tried it out yet as I’ve been plagued with injuries, but plan in trying them out after the holidays.

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